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Where do I start?


The Catalyst for Learning is a site dedicated to ePortfolios in Higher Education. This site will help you understand ePortfolios and their benefits at a glance.




Are there other colleges or universities using ePortfolios in their International Education programs?


I'm still learning about what other colleagues have achieved in this regard. The combination of digital badges and e-Portfolio pedagogy used at Purdue University seems very interesting. Visit the Purdue University's Passport to Intercultural Learning (PUPIL) project. 



ePortfolio Starter


Here is my journey into ePortfolios. This guide does not intend to be a comprehensive overview, but a list of the resources that proved most valuable to me. I hope they will be equally helpful to you. 

Created by 24 campuses in the Connect to Learning project, this site demonstrates and deepens the value of ePortfolio to higher education. It offers data, practices and strategies, showing how ePortfolio can advance learning, deepen pedagogy and assessment, and support institutional change.

What platform can I use?



Where can I read some research about this?




Is there an ePortfolio conference I can attend? 


2015 Forum on DIGITAL LEARNING AND E-PORTFOLIOS, January 24, 2015, Washington DC.

This forum is co-sponsored by the AAC&U's VALUE project and and the Association for Authentic, Experiential and Evidence-Based Learning (AAEEBL), the association of e-portfolio professionals.




A number of content management platforms are available for free. You can use Wordpress or Tumblr to build your site. However, I find that Wix is the most user friendly, so I recommend you use it instead. You can create your free account at If you would like to learn more about other ePortfolio platforms, please click here.  

E-Portfolios: For Reflection, Learning, and AssessmentPeer Review, 16 no. 1 (2014) Winter 2014.


The International Journal of ePortfolio: This peer-reviewed journal is dedicated to ePortfolio pedagogy. All articles are freely available online.

The Association for Authentic, Experiential and Evidence-Based Learning holds regional and annual national conferences. Visit their website at

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